Our Team

Tecma Staff consist of civil engineers, technicians and surveyors.
Mr. Shastri has over 25 years of experience in construction engineering and design.
Manuel Palma, P.E., PLS, F.ASCE
Executive Vice President
Mr. Palma served the Chicago Department of Transportation for over 20 years as an Area Construction Supervisor, and also as a Senior Project Manager in Design.
Ann Berube, P.E.
Senior Vice President
Ms. Berube served as the former Bureau Chief of Construction for the Illinois Department of Transportation in District One Bureau of Construction with a wealth of Government experience.
Ryan Sheley, P.E.
Springfield Branch Manager
Mr. Sheley joined Tecma in July 2021 upon his retirement from IDOT, and is serving as Branch Manager for Tecma’s newly established Springfield, Illinois Office.
Roman Meropolski, P.E.
Construction Department Manager
Mr. Meropolski has over 25 years of construction engineering experience in Illinois, and he has presided over some of the most complex construction programs ever undertaken by IDOT during his tenure as District One Area Construction Supervisor.
Michael Denne, P.E.
Construction Business Development Manager
Mr. Denne joins Tecma having over 30 years of continual training and experience with Illinois Department of Transportation.  During his career, Mr. Denne has served as Resident Engineer for more…
Sahil Patel, P.E.
Senior Engineer
Mr. Patel has over 12 years of experience working on high profile, Phase III transportation projects in Northern Illinois.
Robert Schick, P.L.S.
Chief Surveyor
Mr. Schick has 35 years of experience in land surveying for private and public projects.
Dakshay Shah, P.E.
Senior Engineer
Mr. Shah has over 35 years of experience in construction engineering work located within Chicago and its surrounding suburbs.
Hari Rabadia
Corporate Advisor
Mr. Rabadia served as Senior Resident Engineer for the Chicago Department of Transportation for over 30 years.