
Staff photo with award

IDOT 2012 Statewide DBE Award for Exceptional Phase III services

for the $13 Million Reconstruction/Widening of US 45 from IL 120 to Washington St.


IDOT 2017 Statewide DBE Award for Exceptional Phase III services

for the $18 Million Reconstruction of the Taylor Street Bridge over I-90/94 (Jane Byrne Interchange)


 ACEC 2018 Honor Award for the I-90 Corridor Team

 for the $35 Million I-90 at Barrington Road Interchange Reconstruction.


2019 USMCA Recognition for Outstanding Legacy of Success and Dedication

in Construction and Entrepreneurship

Minority Engineering Firm of the Year Award.      


IDOT 2020 TCTR (Today’s Challenge Tomorrow’s Reward)

Engineering Firm of the Year